Wednesday, May 09, 2007

To my dear kith & kin

The moment I tell people that I'm the only daughter to my parents,
And the moment I add on that I'm the only girl child in my whole family,
And next I say, I'm the youngest of the lot,
The immediate response is " Oh! A pampered girl !"
But I definitely don't think so.
Family.. Relatives..Cousins.. I've longed for these. Not that I'm orphaned.
I've grown the first 11 years of my life away from relatives, just with my parents and paternal grandparents. I do remember occasional visits by relatives, but still I never got to know anyone of them well. The day we landed in Chennai 7 years back, I was totally new to southern customs, traditions, relatives and even the language.
Nothing helped, I had no friends, for I was new to the city. No siblings to share things or thoughts with. I used to long for a brotherly love and affection.
But then, things changed. The secluded girl grew out of her cocoon. She is now totally different to what she had been.
In case any of my cousins are reading this,
"Thanks a lot for all the warmth you've shown. I love all you guys. You mean the world to me."